Want to find out more or join us ?
Becoming a Freemason means you’ll be joining more than 200,000 members throughout England and Wales, with many more members overseas.
Membership is open to any man over the age of 21 irrespective of their race or religion. True to the sense of friendship and togetherness among Freemasons, meetings are not only ceremonial but are also social events, providing an occasion for members to dine together.
Outside of the Lodge, activities include community fundraising and volunteering activities, as well as a varied programme of events where spouses, partners and families are welcome.
If you would like to know more about The Lodge of St Cuthberga or to become a Freemason, or if you are already a Freemason and seeking a new home at one of our Lodges in Wimborne, then please fill out the contact form below.
* Required
The Lodge of St. Cuthberga meets on the first Monday of the month except in August when we take a break.
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Eagle. Ruling. Pure.
You can see a little more of what we get up to by following us on social media.
Freemasons have been meeting in Dorset for over 200 years. The Province of Dorset provides valuable information on who we are and what we do.
Wimborne Freemasons Hall,
Corn Market, Wimborne,
Dorset, BH21 1JL
© Copyright 2024. Lodge of St Cuthberga. All Rights Reserved.